La Vanité ou l'allégorie humaine


Project of realization of a painting in a 3D scene under WebGL concretizing the process of image synthesis. The representation is the the painting "La Vanité ou l'allégorie Humaine".

La Vanité ou l'allégorie humaine

The first representation of vanity or human allegory in painting dates back to the 15th century with the painter Philippe de Champaigne, to whom it is attributed. The style is associated with a set of emblems and objects whose possession seems vain, futile, derisory. This has the effect of demonstrating the passion of human life through the passing of time and the irremediable death of man.

The technical aspects


Most objects are geometries formed from primitives such as the lamp or letter. Others like the skull are geometries imported by .obj format from the Free3D site. In order to stay within a minimal data storage framework, it had to be decimated.

Light and shadow

In order to be able to represent all imaginable shades on the board, the light and shadows can be modulated via the GUI. On the other hand, the management of lights and shadows must be done for each of the primitives composing a geometry such as the lamp.


In order to keep the essence of the painting in terms of its shades of light, a black Skybox was chosen for this purpose.


The shader is best used on the metallic texture of the lamp, in order to have a more appropriate rendering, I chose an anisotropic metallic rendering: the light reflection is then composed of two normals instead of one.